Saturday, February 18, 2012


Arduino has inspired two other major derivates - MAPLE and PINGUINO.

Based on 8-bit AVR technology the computational power of Arduino boards is modest, this is why team from MIT developed MAPLE project which is based on CORTEX-M3 STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller, the board have same friendly IDE as Arduino and offers the same capabilities as hardware and software but runs the Arduino code much faster.

Pinguino is an Arduino-compatible electronics prototyping platform. It supports different 8- and 32-bit microcontrollers, all with built-in USB module (no FTDI chip !).

  • 8-bit
    • PIC18F2550, PIC18F4550 and PIC18F26J50 (coming soon) from ©Microchip.
  • 32-bit
    • PIC32MX Mips familly from ©Microchip.
    • STM32 Cortex M3 familly (coming soon) from ©STMicroelectronics.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

App aims to let you control your dreams

Une application censée influencer les rêves en détectant la phase de sommeil paradoxal et en déclenchant une musique prédéfinie.

Squid fitness monitoring shirt keeps track of your gym progress

Une application de monitoring sportif basée sur l'activité musculaire.

Nike+ GPS sur l’App Store

Plus que Nike+ iPod, Nike+ GPS permet de partager données de course, calories dépensées et géolocalisation.